""" Code for testing ovs connection to OVN north DB The north DB was configured with: ovn-nbctl set-connection ptcp:6641 """ import time import six import ovs.db.idl OVS_CONNECTION='tcp:' OVN_NB_OVSSCHEMA_FILE = '/usr/share/openvswitch/ovn-nb.ovsschema' NETWORK_TABLE_COLUMNS = ['name', 'ports', 'other_config', 'external_ids'] NETWORK_TABLE = 'Logical_Switch' def get_schema_helper(): schema_helper = ovs.db.idl.SchemaHelper(OVN_NB_OVSSCHEMA_FILE) schema_helper.register_columns(NETWORK_TABLE, NETWORK_TABLE_COLUMNS) return schema_helper def get_networks(ovsdb_connection): rows = ovsdb_connection.tables['Logical_Switch'].rows for row in six.itervalues(rows): print('ROW: uuid:' + str(row.uuid) + ' name:' + str(row.name)) def connect(): schema_helper=get_schema_helper() ovsdb_connection = ovs.db.idl.Idl(OVS_CONNECTION, schema_helper) i=1 start = time.time() while (time.time() - start) < 30: ovsdb_connection.run() if ovsdb_connection.has_ever_connected(): print('CONNECTED!') return ovsdb_connection print('connecting ' + str(i) ) i=i+1 time.sleep(0.01) raise Exception('Failed to connect') try: ovsdb_connection = connect() get_networks(ovsdb_connection) except Exception as e: print('Exception' + str(e))