[Wiki] Where to put my wiki pages?

Adrian Gibanel adrian.gibanel at btactic.com
Fri Jan 25 13:00:48 UTC 2013


As I was an oVirt wiki newbie I decided to put all my new pages into my own pages and subpages which you can find here: 


. Now I would like to move some howtos that I consider being stable or maybe all because most people on the mailing list thinks that it's better to write directly an standard oVirt wiki page. 

So... For the howtos I'm lacking a Howtos page where howtos could be categorised somehow that would link my howto here: http://www.ovirt.org/Documentation . I would put myself in User Documentation but I don't do it because: 
* I don't have rw permissions on this page 
* Even if I had rw permissions it's a very generic page and I'm a bit relunctant to edit without the community advice. 

And for the Network page: http://www.ovirt.org/User:Adrian15/Network_Index which tries to redirect people based on what Network category they are interested I don't know where it would fit into http://www.ovirt.org/Documentation current design. Maybe inside Guide to oVirt features? Maybe a new link to Network. Or creating a new page named Concepts where one of the concepts would be network? 

3) If you have any piece of advice of how to improve my current wiki page styles or contents go ahead. 

Well, thank you all, hope that this is right mailing list to use because last archive is from October 2012. 


Adrián Gibanel 
I.T. Manager 

+34 675 683 301 

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