[Workshop-mar2012] Workshop location details for planning travel

Daniel Veillard veillard at redhat.com
Wed Feb 29 13:06:29 UTC 2012

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 04:43:42PM -0800, Karsten 'quaid' Wade wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello:
> If you are looking for a hotel for the Beijing workshop, here is some
> information about where the workshop is located.
> This is not the exact address, but it is a better search term:
> ZhongGuanCun Software Park, Beijing
> Here is that search in Google Maps:
> https://maps.google.com/maps?q=ZhongGuanCun+Software+Park,+Beijing&hl=en&sll=36.971328,-122.021302&sspn=0.009669,0.024548&t=w&hq=ZhongGuanCun+Software+Park,&hnear=Beijing,+China&z=11
> Hopefully you can use this information for your trip planning.

  Note that the ZhongGuanCun Software Park is *not* in the ZhongGuanCun
aread (in the Haidian district) but relatively further away in the
north. Myself I picked an hotel in the Haidian district and plan to take
subway line 10 + 13 (or a taxi which are relatively inexpensives from
western standards) to get to the Software Park. Good hotels in the
Haidian district should be around 500 RMB/night, one can certainly find
cheaper ones, and possibly closer ones !
  Tip for foreign travellers, get the hotel address (preferably in
chinese) and phone printed on paper and give it to the taxi at the
airport, trying to pronounce chinese when not trained to do it leads
to much difficulties. Another tip is that getting from the airport
to that part of Beijing takes at least 40 minutes and traffic jams there
are frequents, it should cost you a bit more than 100 yuan (taxi should
activate the meter :)


Daniel Veillard      | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
daniel at veillard.com  | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
http://veillard.com/ | virtualization library  http://libvirt.org/

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