[Workshop-mar2012] Thanks for your attendance

@gbraad me at gbraad.nl
Wed Mar 21 10:33:00 UTC 2012

Hi All,

thanks for attending the oVirt Workshop in Beijing! Really great
involvement and good targeted questions. We hope to see your
contributions to the oVirt community. Let us know what you want or can

All of the information you need to get oVirt running or developed for
can be found on the website: http://ovirt.org and especially the Wiki:
http://www.ovirt.org/wiki/Main_Page If something is missing, let us
know... just ask the mailinglist. An overview of the available lists
can be found at: http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo

Be aware that oVirt is a platform agnostic system, although the slides
might tell a different story. Fedora is used as a base platform and
therefore RPMs are offered. As a member of the Fedora community and
the Ambassador Steering Committee I tell: you we believe in
co-operating and reaching out to other communities; the Open Source

If you need assistance in getting involved with the community or Open
Source in general, just send me an email: gbraad at fedoraproject.org

Hope to see again soon or hear from you on one of the mailinglists.

kind regards,


Gerard Braad -- 吉拉德
   F/OSS & IT Consultant in Beijing
   开源软件专家 & IT 咨询顾问, 北京
   http://gbraad.nl  gpg: 0x592CFE75
   +86 18601327445  微博: @gbraad

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