Planned outage :: :: 2013-01-21 01:00 UTC

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Sun Jan 20 17:50:36 UTC 2013

There will be an outage of for approximately 45 minutes.

The outage will occur at 2013-01-21 01:00 UTC. To view in your local time:

date -d '2013-01-21 01:00 UTC'

I may start part of the outage 15 minutes before that. If you anticipate
needing services until the outage window, reply back to me with details

== Details ==

We need to resize the Linode instance to get another 15 GB for storage
until we can move services off the Linode permanently, as planned. This
resizing should give us some breathing room.

The account resize is estimated to take 30 minutes, during which time
the Linode VM will be offline. After that, there will be a few minutes
for reboot and restart of services, including the manual starting of the
IRC bot 'ovirtbot'.

The time window chosen coincides with the lowest CPU usage typically
seen on any given day - 01:00 UTC tends to be very quiet for about an
hour. Hopefully no one will even notice the downtime.

If you have any services, such as Jenkins or Gerrit backup, that may go
off during that window, you may want to retime it or be prepared for an

== Affected services ==

** meeting logs
** packages
* (MailMan)
* ovirtbot
* Gerrit backup (anacron may pick this up)
* Other cronjobs (anacron may pick this up)

== Not-affected services ==

* (MediaWiki)
* alterway{01,02}

Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Analyst - Community Growth  .^\
@quaid (  \v'  gpg: AD0E0C41

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