[3.3 release process] feature freeze readiness

Moran Goldboim mgoldboi at redhat.com
Thu May 23 10:50:31 UTC 2013

we are about a week away from feature freeze of oVirt 3.3 (May 31st). In 
order to be able to converge to this date we would need your help 
(feature owners) understanding feature/overall status.

I have updated  OVirt 3.3 release-management page [1] with features 
status table [2]. having this complete table filled will help us 
determine this version readiness.

a test page addition is needed for each feature (link through the table) 
- this will enable us good visibility and testing of those features in 

I have left the old 3.3 feature overview -just below the new table, to 
make sure i have taken all needed from that info. please verify all you 
need is in the table, since this part will be deleted on feature freeze 
readiness review - next Wednesday meeting.

completing filling this table should be done no later than Tuesday May 28th.



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