Next Release Planning

Dave Neary dneary at
Wed Aug 22 08:24:53 UTC 2012


On 08/22/2012 08:19 AM, Livnat Peer wrote:
> I'm perfectly fine with releasing in November a 3.1.1 as a stable
> release. As long as we don't postpone releasing 'something' further than
> November.

I'd be happy to release a 3.1.1 release as soon as we have a fix for the 
NFS issue affecting 3.1 VDSM & Node builds.

> The only issue that comes to mind when we start discussing z-stream is
> the churn we'll have (as developers):
> - We'll need to cherry pick instead of rebasing, which means sending
> patches twice, testing it twice, rewriting parts if needed etc. It would
> have been ok if we didn't have to cherry pick a few dozens patches in
> networking alone.
> - We'll need to take care of upgrades more carefully, which always makes
> our work more interesting but also more complicated (do we require
> upgrading to 3.1.z before upgrading to 3.2? testing the upgrade process
> etc.)
> I think that going forward we'll do better if we can create the next
> z-stream branch as soon as we release so we can cherry pick as we go,
> now we have a gap of about 8 weeks (? - not sure actually) since last
> rebase, that's a lot of work.
> I suggest that the release in November will still be 3.2 and hopefully
> we can get enough features to make it attractive, and then we'll create
> the z-stream branch, so we can release 3.2.z as needed (instead of doing
> 3.3 with not enough meaningful content).

It might help focus the conversation if we could have a list of features 
which have been started (or even finished) in the devel branch? I'd love 
to know what the general branching strategy for oVirt has been.


Dave Neary
Community Action and Impact
Open Source and Standards Team, Red Hat
Phone: +33 9 50 71 55 62

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