[Engine-devel] webadmin: UI plugin dialog API improved

Vojtech Szocs vszocs at redhat.com
Fri Mar 29 22:47:03 UTC 2013

Hi Daniel,

these are excellent questions! I'm CC'ing engine-devel to reach out to everyone who might be interested in them.

> why dialogToken is mandatory? (wouldn't it be more convenience to make it optional?)

dialogToken is used to work with the dialog once it's displayed via showDialog API function.

For example, there are no buttons defined for the dialog by default, so you might want to define at least a "Close" button:

    api.showDialog('My Dialog', 'my-dialog', 'http://www.abc.com/', '800px', '600px', {
        buttons: [
                label: 'Close',
                onClick: function() { api.closeDialog('my-dialog'); }

As you can see, you need dialogToken at least to close the dialog :) another example of a dialog button:

        label: 'Load different content',
        onClick: function() { api.setDialogContentUrl('my-dialog', 'http://www.xyz.com/'); }

(The above are just simple examples, you can put whatever code you like into onClick function.)

> what are dialogToken's restrictions (no-spaces?/etc...)

Unlike historyToken in custom tab API (addMainTab/addSubTab/etc.), dialogToken doesn't have any restrictions. It's recommended to use "token-string-lowercase-without-spaces" syntax, but it's just a recommendation.

As for historyToken in custom tab API, the "token-string-lowercase-without-spaces" syntax is preferred, because historyToken value will be part of WebAdmin URL (e.g. WebAdmin.html#my-main-tab) when navigating to the given custom tab.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Erez" <derez at redhat.com>
To: "Vojtech Szocs" <vszocs at redhat.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 8:14:38 PM
Subject: webadmin: UI plugin dialog API improved

Hi Voj,

Some qqs about showDialog api:
* why dialogToken is mandatory? (wouldn't it be more convenience to make it optional?)
* what are dialogToken's restrictions (no-spaces?/etc...)


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