[Engine-devel] Generatic Mac Pool Ranges - feedback requested

Alex Lourie alourie at redhat.com
Sun Mar 31 09:30:39 UTC 2013


In a current setup flow there are 3 ways of generating mac pool ranges:

1. Generated from the second and third parts of the first non-local IP:
 {base MAC}:{IP part2}:{IP part3}:00-{base MAC}:{IP part2}:{IP 
2. If (1) could not be done for some reason, we have default values in 
3. If (2) didn't work for some reason, the values are  left as created 
during DB creation.

Assuming that we want (1) to work the best way possible, and to create 
"random" enough values for Mac Pool ranges, I would ask for an opinion 
for a better way.

I am considering creating random int values instead of fetching the IP 
as it's simpler and safer than parsing 'ip a' output.


Alex Lourie
Software Engineer in Integration
Red Hat.

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