migration of services from linode server to phx2 lab

Eyal Edri eedri at redhat.com
Tue Apr 28 08:47:56 UTC 2015


We're finally able to start migrating services from linode01 to a production VMs on the phx lab. [1]
I'd like to go over all the services and decide which ones we want to migrate and what else exists on linode:

Dns entries: resources.ovirt.org, lists.ovirt.org
   ovirt irc bot 
   postfix ( aliases for ovirt.org )
   package repositories

   gerrit backups (still there?)
   download for rpm and code (repos)

For each we should decide if we're migrating or just installing a new server with new configuration
on phx. optimally we'd like to do it with relevant puppet classes per service.

Please share your thoughts about each service and feel free to volunteer and help our with migrating
one of these.

[1] hopefully we'll also have the ilos working by next week, so another reason to migrate.

Eyal Edri
oVirt infra team
irc: eedri

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