[Kimchi-devel] UI Mockup of Guest Snapshot

Crístian Viana vianac at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Fri Nov 14 14:04:26 UTC 2014

On 14-11-2014 08:04, Yu Xin Huo wrote:
> what is the response of 

A list of that VM's snapshots.

>>   * There could be another column displaying the creation time (i.e.
>>     the field 'created' in the snapshot JSON structure). That's a
>>     very important information when talking about snapshots. In the
>>     mockup example, we can see the time the snapshot was created
>>     because the time is in its name, but that won't be the case
>>     forever, the user will be able to rename the snapshot.
> How to get the creation time?

It's the field 'created' in the snapshot JSON structure. For example:

GET /vms/<vm-name>/snapshots/<snapshot-name>


That's the number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970 (i.e. the Unix 

>>   * I think there should be a visual indication of the current
>>     snapshot. I thought about adding a different icon (like the
>>     "loading" one) to indicate that.
> 1) how to get current snapshot.

GET /vms/<vm-name>/snapshots/current

> 2) for a vm that is always in use, the time it is reverted to a 
> certain snapshot, the time update is already made to vm.
>     The longer the vm is used, the longer the vm is far from that 
> snapshot, what is the significance to track to the snapshot that is 
> lastly reverted to?

When the VM has many snapshots, it's useful to know "where" it is currently.
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