[Kimchi-devel] Gap between the scss/css file's

sguimaraes943 at gmail.com sguimaraes943 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 12:17:48 UTC 2016


Like I've said before on Kimchi dev-list, specially regarding plugin 

Sometimes when we change the SCSS files the CSS output will be exactly the 
> same. I can't recall exactly when, but there were some occasions that I had 
> to reorganize the SCSS files or remove a static color or font variable and 
> then replaced it with a variable in _wok-variables.scss. 
> There's also the possibility that python-libsass is running different 
> versions from distro to distro and generating different selectors, although 
> this won't change anything in the CSS except for readability. For example:
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-edit-memory-textbox, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-show-max-memory, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-edit-cores-textbox, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-show-max-processor {
>   display: inline-block;
> }
> Sometimes is generated like this:
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-edit-memory-textbox, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-show-max-memory, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-edit-cores-textbox, 
> #guest-edit-window #form-guest-edit-general #guest-show-max-processor {
>   display: inline-block;
> }
> I suggest we look for updates in Libsass (pip install --upgrade libsass) 
> before running any major change in the CSS files to avoid this.

Right now the only "gap" I see with Ginger is that the Typeahead CSS 
section used in Sysmodules is duplicated from wok.css. In these very rare 
occasions that a new widget is introduced due to a new feature in a plugin 
and then in the next release another feature in a different plugin has the 
same use case that requires this new widget, I suggest we send a patch to 
Wok adding the new SCSS / CSS and JS lines and after and only after these 
new styles and scripts are applied to Wok we remove them from Ginger (or 
any other plugin for that matter).


Em sexta-feira, 18 de março de 2016 08:21:10 UTC-3, Chandra Shekhar Reddy 
Potula escreveu:
> Hi All, 
> I see a gap between scss and css always in the upstream code. For sure 
> during the development we always re-compile and get the latest style 
> sheets. 
> My suggestion would be whenever there is a change in the scss file's 
> request to upstream, will it be good idea to ask developer who want scss 
> changes to upstream push corresponding css file changes too ie 
> re-compiled code ? 
> This will some times eliminate the gap between the css and scss files, 
> which I suppose mostly taken care by the maintainer at present ? 
> Just a thought, let me know your views on this !!! 
> Thanks and Regards 
> Chandra 
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