[Kimchi-devel] [RFC] [Wok] Issue #139: Do not generate logrotate config file on the fly

Aline Manera alinefm at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Wed Oct 26 19:54:35 UTC 2016

Hi Ramon,

On 10/26/2016 04:55 PM, Ramon Medeiros wrote:
> Propose:
> Do not regenerate logrotate conf at startup of wok.
> Questions:
> 1) The wok conf will be generated at make ? And then copied at make rpm?

There is no need to generate the file on the fly. We can add a 
wok.logrotate file to source tree and add it to rpm/deb when building 
the package.

> 2) The [logging] configuration at wok.conf will be removed? letting to 
> the user to change parameters?

You should only remove log_size from [logging]
The other 2 parameter (log_dir and log_level) will still be used by Wok.
It would be good to add a comment there informing user about the 
logrotate file. So when user updates [logging] section he/she will need 
to update the logrotate file as well (if they want to keep using of 

> 3) This is the template for logrotate file
> ${log_dir}/*log {
>     daily
>     nomail
>     maxsize ${log_size}
>     rotate 10
>     nomissingok
>     compress
> }
> """
> which vales for log_dir and log_size we will use?

Per wok.conf.in file, the default values are

# Log directory
#log_dir = @localstatedir@/log/wok

# Log file size (specify size in K, M or G)
#log_size = 10M

we can keep using them IMO.

> -- 
> Ramon Nunes Medeiros
> Kimchi Developer
> Linux Technology Center Brazil
> IBM Systems & Technology Group
> Phone : +55 19 2132 7878
> ramonn at br.ibm.com  
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