oVirt planning / open tasks, ongoing agenda.

Frank Novak fnovak at us.ibm.com
Mon Aug 15 04:30:06 UTC 2011

project-planning-bounces at ovirt.org wrote on 08/15/2011 12:08:23 AM:

> From: Itamar Heim <iheim at redhat.com>
> To: Robyn Bergeron <rbergero at redhat.com>
> Cc: project-planning at ovirt.org
> Date: 08/15/2011 12:08 AM
> Subject: Re: oVirt planning / open tasks, ongoing agenda.
> Sent by: project-planning-bounces at ovirt.org
> On 08/12/2011 01:51 AM, Robyn Bergeron wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I thought it would be a good idea to start cobbling together some
> open task items, and framing an agenda for meetings.
> I've put together a *very* light schedule below, along with a
> potential agenda.  At this point, I think we need to start
> identifying the major milestones between now and the first release,
> and finding owners for the tasks that need to be done to hit those
> milestones on time.  Once we have a better idea on the tasks, we'll
> have a clearer schedule.
> As previously suggested, I have put what is listed below on Google
> Docs. Please feel free to add in your suggestions / additions,
> particularly in the Open Tasks or Add Your Own Agenda Item areas -
> the more brains we have looking at this, the better :)
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/
> 1jr3vDdXCij6JKgS3jzb07GZByMF7hbutv_W_TbiiTcg/edit?hl=en_US
> thanks for putting this together.
> some comments:
> 1. I noticed  "oVirt Sync meeting for those officially in the
> program (board) - Concall Wednesday 1:30 EST"
> is this supposed to be a weekly call?
> we really need something that works better for GMT+2 time zone. 1:
> 30pm EST is 8:30pm for us
> 2. Bug tracker for ovirt.org - discussion for devel at .
> we are using the community --> ovirt project for this under
> redhat.bugzilla.com
and 1:30 am for those of us in Beijing..
Should be fun w/ an international community we want...



Frank Novak  ( 诺帆 nuò、fān )
STSM, SCEM Open Hypervisor
IBM Linux Technology Center
Internet:   fnovak at us.ibm.com  ;  Notes:   Frank Novak/Watson/IBM @IBMUS
Home Office & Fax: 720-396-8499 ; cell : 919-671-7966

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