Almost ready to go public

Carl Trieloff cctrieloff at
Mon Sep 19 21:19:28 UTC 2011

On 09/19/2011 05:08 PM, Ayal Baron wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> On 09/19/2011 04:01 PM, Ayal Baron wrote:
>>> Looking good.  I have a problem with the fact that there is no
>>> agenda which makes it really hard to understand who the target
>>> audience is.  Without this I believe we will get less attendees.
>>> Spelling/grammar issues:
>>> "Cisco, IBM, Intel, NetApp, Red Hat, and SUSE invite you to join in
>>>  launching a fully open virtualization management “oVirt” project."
>>> s/management “oVirt” project./management - the "oVirt" project./ ?
>>> "1stth - 3rd"
>>> get rid of redundant "th" and fix "st" placing
>>> s/(source)/(source code)/
>>> s/site, forums/site and forums/
>>> s/November 1th - 3rd/November 1st - 3rd/
>>> s/  Open sourcing it's virtualization/  Open sourcing its
>>> virtualization/
>> I believe I got them all except the last one, could not locate it
>> Carl.
> Have you uploaded the pdf? it doesn't seem to be updated.

I'll try again, I had that issue with the one png also.


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