[Users] Ovirt + Spice + VDI

Gavin Spurgeon gspurgeon at dageek.co.uk
Thu Sep 13 07:13:34 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1

Hi Mohsen

> I want to know, we are force to install one windows per user? does spice can 
> provide a multi remote connection to a single windows XP machine?
> I want to install one windows XP as virtual desktop and then share it with more 
> than one users.is it possible in now or in the futures?

Can you explain what you mean by "I want to install one windows XP as
virtual desktop and then share it with more than one users."

This, 1st sounds like it will go against the Windows EULA, and 2nd if
you could get multiple concurrent connections, they would all be looking
@ the same shared desktop. so they would all share the same Mouse,
Keyboard and so on... they would not be able to work independently.

For the users to be able to work independently, you would have to use a
Widows Server Edition, and enable the 'Windows Terminal Services' Features.

- -- 

Gavin Spurgeon.
AKA Da Geek

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"The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything,
they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.."

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