Minutes (text):
#ovirt: infra weekly meeting
Meeting started by ewoud at 14:00:50 UTC. The full logs are available at
http://ovirt.org/meetings/ovirt/2013/ovirt.2013-04-22-14.00.log.html .
Meeting summary
* introductions (ewoud, 14:03:16)
* Review of action items (ewoud, 14:04:47)
* Rydekull is working on a list, but it's still an offline list
(ewoud, 14:05:16)
* ewoud started
http://lists.ovirt.org/pipermail/infra/2013-April/002625.html to
make a list of services and SPOFs on people (ewoud, 14:12:12)
* ACTION: ewoud restart the puppet ML thread (ewoud, 14:13:20)
* ACTION: Rydekull add the jenkins slaves on a list on the wiki
(ewoud, 14:13:29)
* ACTION: quaid work on a docs sprint (ewoud, 14:19:39)
* hosting (ewoud, 14:19:42)
* may need public IPs for RackSpace (quaid, 14:21:44)
* quaid looking to handoff installation as he has run out of time
blocks (quaid, 14:22:34)
* ACTION: quaid to bring dcaro & eedri_ in to the ACLs for RackSpace
so they can take it over (quaid, 14:25:08)
(ewoud, 14:28:25)
http://etherpad.ovirt.org/p/new_hosting_design_Jan_2013 is it
I think (ewoud, 14:33:03)
* we need 4 public IPs at alterway: gerrit, resources, lists and
foreman (ewoud, 14:40:55)
* a monitoring VM would be nice too (ewoud, 14:53:12)
http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/HowToContact (dcaro,
* ACTION: ewoud start a thread on monitoring/trending (ewoud,
Meeting ended at 15:07:45 UTC.
Action Items
* ewoud restart the puppet ML thread
* Rydekull add the jenkins slaves on a list on the wiki
* quaid work on a docs sprint
* quaid to bring dcaro & eedri_ in to the ACLs for RackSpace so they can
take it over
* ewoud start a thread on monitoring/trending
Action Items, by person
* dcaro
* quaid to bring dcaro & eedri_ in to the ACLs for RackSpace so they
can take it over
* eedri_
* quaid to bring dcaro & eedri_ in to the ACLs for RackSpace so they
can take it over
* ewoud
* ewoud restart the puppet ML thread
* ewoud start a thread on monitoring/trending
* quaid
* quaid work on a docs sprint
* quaid to bring dcaro & eedri_ in to the ACLs for RackSpace so they
can take it over
* Rydekull
* Rydekull add the jenkins slaves on a list on the wiki
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* ewoud (94)
* eedri_ (36)
* quaid (19)
* dcaro (14)
* dneary (7)
* ovirtbot (4)
* YamaKasY1 (3)
* Rydekull (2)
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