#33: Use FlaggedRevs to open the wiki to anonymous editing
Reporter: quaid | Owner: infra@…
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: minor | Milestone: Handwavy Future
Component: wiki (MediaWiki) | Version: Test
Severity: Trivial | Keywords:
Blocked By: | Blocking:
Suggestion from the below comment is to allow anonymous editing on
www.ovirt.org, but use the FlaggedRevs extension to keep changes from
going live before running through an editorial review. The suggestion was
part of an overall idea to make the [edit] links differently visible to
anonymous/not-logged-in users, something that would suggest or invite
editing in a subtle way.
* Can you easily allow a user to not be flagged?
* Is it only used for Anonymous editing?
* Is there a way to reach back to the Anonymous author if the editor has
questions? (Cf. bug reporting that requires an email address so follow up
is possible.)
Ticket URL: <
ovirt <
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