after looking into the process and testing it via jenkins.ovirt.info, here is my
1. Nightly job [1] will collect rpms from all ovirt projects (other jenkins jobs that
build rpms per commit).
1.1 all files will be kept in a flat dir under $WORKSPCE/rpms
1.2 using 'publish over ssh' [2] plugin the job will then copy files to their
destination according to their names. [3]
for e.g 'ovirt-engine-3.1.0-3.fc17.noarch.rpm' ==>
'ovirt-engine-3.1.0-3.fc17.src.rpm' ==>
'ovirt-engine-3.1.0-3.bz2' ==>
1.3 publish ssh plugin can execute a command after its done copying the file, so all is
left is to run 'createrepo' on the relevant dirs. [4]
2. a separate cron cleaning script needs to run on
ovirt.org to delete old rpms and run
+1 for pushing this forward or comments?
http://jenkins.ovirt.org/view/rpms/job/publish_ovirt_rpms_nightly/, this job currently
works only for fedora17 rpms (that's what we have now).
we'll need to improve it to be more generic (maybe as a matrix job) or duplicate
it for each opertating system.
https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Publish+Over+SSH+Plugin, using pub/private
key with user jenkins to connect
[3] jenkins user will need r/q permissions to the nightly folder
[4] will need sudo access for it.