On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 01:09:18PM -0500, Mike Burns wrote:
I was looking at a reported issue with the ovirt-release package
(missing dependency) and found out that the gerrit repo for this is
currently owned by the ovirt-docs team. I think it makes sense to
change this ownership to a group that includes the infra team.
I'm guessing this is my patch
AFAICT, there isn't an Infra team currently in gerrit (or at
not one that I'm in).
My proposal:
* create an infra group in gerrit
* add members of the infra team to this group
* change ownership to ovirt-release from ovirt-docs to infra
Thoughts, concerns?
We should also set up a simple jenkins job to build ovirt-release if
there isn't one already.