On 8 April 2018 at 14:39, Rabin Yasharzadehe <rabin(a)isoc.org.il> wrote:
Hello Barak,
We disabled the sync for oVirt, as it seems it cussed problems.
I don't have all the detail yet, but is seems to cussed other sync jobs to
I'm re-enabling the sync back, and we will investigate this further.
right now we are syncing from
resources.ovirt.org, which is very slow,
is there any other mirror we can get faster sync speeds?
resources is the root repo, but sine released packages are signed
anyway, it should be safe to sync from the other mirrors listed at:
I don't know if any of them are exposing rsync though.
Evgheni, can we do something to debug why sync speed for ISOC is so slow?