Barak Korren commented on OVIRT-2503:
[~dron] I really don`t think this makes any sense since the relationship between jira
ticket and CQ alerts aught to be one-to-many where this would result ina one-to-one
Testing automatic Jira ticket logging for CQ monitoring
Key: OVIRT-2503
Project: oVirt - virtualization made easy
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Dafna Ron
Assignee: infra
As part of monitoring improvement and shifting partial responsibility for CQ monitoring
to the developers I would like to do some experiments on connecting CQ alerts to create
Jira tickets automatically.
As we have the ost monitoring project we start by doing some tests on that project so
that we do not overflow our jira with alerts.
For now I would like to start with Jira's opening with the following specifications:
1. Subject: [ CQ ] [$patch number] [ oVirt $VER ($project) ] [ TEST NAME ]
2. at the beginning, email sent to: dron(a)redhat.com
3. jira description [cq message]
4. all jira's has to have label=ost_failure and infra-owner as default.
I would like to change the project type to allow:
1. easy closing of Jira's (one/two clicks if we can)
2. view of Jira's like service tickets (rather then bugs)
There is a plugin called zapier that allows to easily connect a jira from an email and
also allow to add some rules to the Jira which may make this easier for us.
can you also install it and link it to the ost jira? I have an email account that we can
use for that.
once I do some tests on my own on this, I wanted to try and collaborate with one of the
projects (maybe networking or one of sandro's teams) where CQ failures would
automatically open a ticket to their team and they can handle the monitoring and escalate
issues to us if needed.
Any advice on configurations we should be thinking of for that?