I'm running ovirt 4.4.10 and I have the following error while I launch a VM migration
Jul 3 12:37:07 ssc-sati-02 journal[958949]: Certificate [session] owner does not match
the hostname myhostname
Jul 3 12:37:07 ssc-sati-02 journal[958949]: Certificate check failed Certificate
[session] owner does not match the hostname myhostname
Jul 3 12:37:07 ssc-sati-02 journal[958949]: authentication failed: Failed to verify
peer's certificate
Jul 3 12:37:07 ssc-sati-02 journal[958949]: operation failed: Failed to connect to remote
libvirt URI qemu+tls://myhostname/system: authentication failed: Failed to verify
peer's certificate
To avoid this error I set the following paramaters inside the /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf and
restard vdsmd daemon.
migrate_tls_x509_verify = 0
default_tls_x509_verify = 0
But I still have the same error. Can you help me to understand why this set of parameters
are not working as exepected ?
kind regards,
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