Just to be clear: if you requested a feature last month, this is a great
chance to help make it happen. To do so:
* Ask for write access to the document below and add yourself as the
"requirements owner"
* Create a Feature page for the feature in the wiki, describing the
user-facing experience you expect. Inputs, outputs, behaviour - all high
level and user facing, nothing to do with implementation
* Create a bug in Bugzilla (if there is not one already) to link both in
the feature page and the summary doc below
Another way to help is:
* Add yourself as "test owner" for a feature - you are committing to
putting the feature through its paces in a nightly build, when the
coding is done.
None of the features in the list are promised for 3.4 - it's a short
development cycle, and I will be encouraging us to get to feature freeze
as soon as reasonably possible - and the only way to guarantee a feature
for inclusion is to sign up as the code owner, and agree to develop the
feature yourself, but features with a good Feature page are *much* more
likely to be implemented than those without.
On 10/29/2013 06:46 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
now, the main thing each item needs is a requirements owner, devel
and a testing owner (well, devel owner is really needed to make it
happen, but all are important).
then we need an oVirt BZ for each, and for some a feature page.
the doc is public read-only, please request read-write access to be
to edit it.
Dave Neary - Community Action and
Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62 / Cell: +33 6 77 01 92 13