please explain the flow of what you are trying to do, are you trying to
live migrate the disk (from one storage to another), are you trying to
migrate the vm and after vm migration is finished you try to take a live
snapshot of the vm? or are you trying to take a live snapshot of the vm
during a vm migration from host1 to host2?
Please attach full vdsm logs from any host you are using (if you are
trying to migrate the vm from host1 to host2) + please attach engine log.
Also, what is the vdsm, libvirt and qemu versions, what ovirt version
are you using and what is the storage you are using?
On 04/22/2014 02:12 PM, Steve Dainard wrote:
I've attempted migrating the vm to another host and taking a
but I get this error:
01:09:37,296::volume::286::Storage.Volume::(clone) Volume.clone: can't
A bit more of the vdsm log is attached.
Other vm's are snapshotting without issue.
Any help appreciated,
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