On Pá, 2016-06-17 at 10:33 +0200, Alexis HAUSER wrote:
>we were looking for a prepackaged solution because of the lack
>human resources to devote to the project.
>But if pursuing this research becomes too exhausting we would probably
>develop a linux solution and in that case the kind of terminal you
>suggested is interesting indeed.
Hi, I'm currently trying to find a solution based on linux too.
If you're interested in details about my research and tests, I can make you a summary
On most linux thin client distributions, spicec and spicy are intergrated. Sadly, they
are not real spice clients.
As you can find on the spice documentation "spicec is an obsolete legacy client, and
spicy is only a test application".
The only real Spice client yet is remote-viewer (part of virt-viewer package), by default
it works with VNC, but if you want it also to support spice, you need spice-client-gtk
(the name of this package can maybe vary betweem distributions).
Before developing a solution, you should maybe check Thinstation, which is a prepackaged
solution that make you able to create your own ISO files for client. I made once some 65
MB client images. Yet it support very well RDP, ICA and VNC.
The only bad point with his solution is the fact remote-viewer and spice-client gtk
aren't integrated yet.
According to [1], they are.
But it should be integrated soon (I'll work on that when I'll
have time) but you can still compile it. However, it takes time to understand how to deal
with Thinstation, but the result is really impressive.
There are also some other solutions like Netpoldo, but it's using old debian/ubuntu
versions and doesn't seem to be still really alive... (and old remote-viewer versions
don't really work properly, or when it does there is no sound, cf debian jessie)
I hope this helps. I'll try to post here when I will have a working setup from client
side. I guess this is still in the topic as Giorgio was asking for sharing experience :)
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