On 04/01/2013 12:33 PM, russell muetzelfeldt wrote:
Hi All,
Is there any supported way (or advice on the best unsupported way) to provision a 2-node
cluster using local storage?
I've deployed RHEV 3.0 against both NFS and FC storage, and would like to bring up a
2 node oVirt 3.2 playground. I don't have access to a real storage server for this
setup, but the hypervisor nodes have several spindles of 15K RPM SAS drives each so
I'm assuming I can use DRBD and bond some 1GBPS ether links to provide a shared block
device with adequate performance.
Ideally I'd like to use the regular CLVM storage pool but on local DRBD instead of
FC, but I don't see any way to make oVirt use a volume group that it didn't create
itself. Another possibility would be POSIX FS on GFS2 which looks like it should be
supported but (afaict) would require doubling up on the cluster management layer.
Is there any way (even if not "production ready") to have a storage pool use a
clvm vg that has been created outside of oVirt? Has anyone used the POSIX FS pool type
against GFS2? Any other suggestions about how to put this together?
have you considered using gluster? if you setup the cluster as 'gluster'
as well, it should be installed, you should be able to create a volume
on it, then create a posixfs storage domain using it (and in ovirt 3.3,
a glusterfs storage domain, which will provide better performance)?