I just tried installing the 2.3.0 node iso images from
http://ovirt.org/releases/nightly/binary/ in a VM on a Fedora 17 Host and
First the image takes 1-2 minutes to boot and I'm not sure why it would
take so long. There is not output made so it's hard to say what's going on
even when you press <esc> the skip the plymouth progress bar.
Second after that I get quite a few errors about denied permissions and
read-only filesystems. For example systemd tries to create /var/log/wtmp
but fails with "permission denied" and it tries to remove
/var/lib/rpm/__db.00* files which gets a "read-only filesystem" error.
Third once it actually gets to the "Install hypervisor" TUI this interface
does not respond to key presses. When I press the cursor keys I only get
text like "^[[C" plastered on the screen. Actually starting the
installation is impossible.
What am I doing wrong?