----- Original Message -----
From: "xrx" <xrx-ml(a)xrx.me>
To: "users" <users(a)ovirt.org>
Sent: Monday, September 3, 2012 4:03:45 PM
Subject: [Users] oVirt ISO domain
One of the things that surprised me about oVirt/RHEV's design is the
awful handling of ISO/vfd images files. One would expect to just
to an available ISO SMB/NFS share, and have the ISOs in it used.
Instead, there's an horrible requirement of needing an empty NFS
directory with the right permissions. If that's not unnecessary
forcing the user to log into the command line of an otherwise
graphical application, and then mount another NFS/SMB/block source or
something to get the ISO, and then type the rhevm/engine-iso-uploader
command to upload the image files, possibly to the same machine if
installer configured an ISO domain locally.
It's completely unnecessary. The design should be changed such that
node could attempt mounting any given NFS/SMB share read-only for the
ISO domain (and, even better, have the UI support SMB browsing).
Presumably vdsm would have permission to at least read files in a
mounted directory. This way, one can easily share a directory using
windows/nautilus and have it used by oVirt; or use a graphical SFTP
application to copy ISOs to the manager's NFS share.
Been discussed many times on list/irc.
The plan is to move export and iso domains to flat NFS directories and remove the need for
all the storage domain metadata.
Patches always welcome.
Any thoughts?
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