On Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
where is stored information for user engine_history do I have also
cleanup this user information?
So it seems it was related to postreSQL users needed to be dropped
too, before running setup again.
And I also noticed that in 3.3.3 rc the problem solved here:
is not applied and reports setup fails. I hope someone is following to
get into final 3.3.3.....
This is my list of things to do in 3.3.3 to get a clean new install
that worked today:
Some steps could be not necessary depending on previous setup or
previous errors and so incomplete deployments:
1) packages clean
yum remove ovirt-engine-dwh ovirt-engine-reports
2) files and directory clean
rm -rf /etc/ovirt-engine-dwh/
rm -rf /etc/ovirt-engine-reports/
rm -rf /etc/ovirt-engine/ovirt-engine-dwh
rm -rf /var/lib/ovirt-engine/deployments/ovirt-engine-reports.war.dodeploy
rm -rf /usr/share/ovirt-engine-dwh/
rm -rf /usr/share/ovirt-engine-reports
3) DB clean (substitute ovirt_ruser with your previously chosen read user)
engine=# drop user engine_history;
engine=# drop user engine_reports;
engine=# drop user ovirt_ruser;
At the end you shold have something like:
postgres=# \du
List of roles
Role name | Attributes | Member of
engine | Create DB | {}
postgres | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}
NOTE: it seems not necessary to purge the lines eventually addedd
during previous setup into pg_hba.conf such as:
host ovirtenginereports engine_reports md5
host ovirtenginereports engine_reports ::0/0 md5
host ovirt_engine_history engine_history ::0/0 trust
3) DWH packages install and setup
yum install ovirt-engine-dwh
[root@tekkaman ~]# ovirt-engine-dwh-setup
Welcome to ovirt-engine-dwh setup utility
This utility can configure a read only user for DB access. Would you
like to do so? (yes|no): yes
Error: user name cannot be empty
Provide a username for read-only user : ovirt_ruser
Provide a password for read-only user:
Warning: Weak Password.
Re-type password:
Should postgresql be setup with secure connection? (yes|no): yes
Creating DB... [ DONE ]
Creating read-only user... [ DONE ]
Setting DB connectivity... [ DONE ]
Starting ovirt-engine... [ DONE ]
Starting oVirt-ETL... [ DONE ]
Successfully installed ovirt-engine-dwh.
4) Install reports packages, patch and setup
yum install ovirt-engine-reports
in file
line 1163 change
if preserveReportsJobs: --> if preserveReports:
[root@tekkaman ~]# ovirt-engine-reports-setup
Welcome to ovirt-engine-reports setup utility
In order to proceed the installer must stop the ovirt-engine service
Would you like to stop the ovirt-engine service (yes|no): yes
Stopping ovirt-engine... [ DONE ]
Editing XML files... [ DONE ]
Setting DB connectivity... [ DONE ]
Please choose a password for the reports admin user(s) (ovirt-admin):
Warning: Weak Password.
Retype password:
Warning: Weak Password.
Deploying Server... [ DONE ]
Updating Redirect Servlet... [ DONE ]
Importing reports... [ DONE ]
Customizing Server... [ DONE ]
Running post setup steps... [ DONE ]
Starting ovirt-engine... [ DONE ]
Restarting httpd... [ DONE ]
Succesfully installed ovirt-engine-reports.
5) Connect to Reports Portal with ovirt-admin user and verify correct access
HIH others,