On 22/08/17 15:45, Lev Veyde wrote:
Starting 4.1.5 oVirt supports libgfapi [5]. Using libgfapi provides
real performance boost for ovirt when using GlusterFS .
Due to a known issue [6], using this will break live storage
migration. This is expected to be fixed soon. If you do not use live
storage migration you can give it a try. Use [7] for more details on
how to enable it.
Hi all,
I've tried to enable this, but can't get it working. Has anyone managed
to do this and have pointers? The instructions on the linked page seem
to be a mixture of truly ancient (from 2013) and modern, and it's
difficult to figure out what one actually needs to do.
I've set "option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on" in my glusterd.vol and
"server.allow-insecure" on the relevant volume, then restarted all my
Gluster daemons. I did a rolling restart as I can't currently shut
everything down and bring it all back up, but I can use 'qemu-img info
gluster:///[...]' successfully.
I've enabled LibgfApiSupported and restarted the engine. Starting VMs
now fails: it tries to start the VM on each host and fails with the same
message from libvirt:
libvirtd[2822]: failed to initialize gluster connection
(src=0x7f748801ff50 priv=0x7f74880367b0): Success
Unfortunately I can't see anything of much use in vdsm.log,
/var/log/messages, or the Gluster logs.
I'm using oVirt 4.1.5 and GlusterFS 3.10.5 on CentOS 7.3.
Chris Boot