On 03/05/2014 07:01 PM, Edwin Lobaina wrote:
Hi everyone,
I’m currently testing oVirt 3.3 (so far so good!) but I haven’t figured
out how to add more local storage to the host. Let’s say you have a
second ssd you would like to add to the host and use for testing.
Also, in the same area of storage, I haven’t found any documentation on
how to pass local disks directly to guest VMs? (For example, an external
USB hdd).
Thank you in advance for your feedback.
1. the main usage of ovirt is for clusters with shared storage.
2. that said, local storage is also supported.
3. to add another storage domain, create a path on the host to that
storage, give permissions/owner to vdsm (36:36), go to the webadmin and
"add storage domain" of type local with relevant path.