could you run it again, but instead of "--include 253" use
number you get when
cat /proc/devices |grep device-mapper| cut -f 1 -d ' '
INC=`cat /proc/devices |grep device-mapper| cut -f 1 -d '
'` &&
/usr/bin/lsblk --raw --noheadings --paths --inverse --include $INC --nodeps --output
still empty
lvs --readonly --config 'devices
{filter=["a|.*|"]}' --options vg_name,vg_tags /dev/sdb
Volume group "sdb" not found
Cannot process volume group sdb
yes, it won't be overwritten until you run "vdsm-tool
config-lvm-filter" and confirm you want to overwrite it
here is the command
Analyzing host...
Found these mounted logical volumes on this host:
This is the recommended LVM filter for this host:
filter = [ "r|.*|" ]
This filter allows LVM to access the local devices used by the
hypervisor, but not shared storage owned by Vdsm. If you add a new
device to the volume group, you will need to edit the filter manually.
This is the current LVM filter:
filter = [ "r|.*|" ]
To use the recommended filter we need to add multipath
blacklist in /etc/multipath/conf.d/vdsm_blacklist.conf:
blacklist {
wwid "3600000e00d11000000113629000e0000"
wwid "3600605b010bbc0e029275d23bba8027b"
Configure host? [yes,NO] no