Dear all,
I am going to deploy a self-hosted engine in order to manage 3 servers with 8 network
interfaces each. I couldn't find in the documentation when the network shall be
configured to perform the self-hosted engine deployment. In others words, what shall be
done at the oVirt Node level and what shall managed afterwards via the Engine once the
self-hosted engine is performed.
Node version: virt-node-ng-installer-ovirt-4.2-2018062610
Storage: SAN via iSCSI
I tried this order in my previous tests:
1. Install the oVirt node on every server with DNS configured
2. Configure IP + bond for the administration network (2 interfaces)
3. Configure IP for iSCSI network (4 interfaces)
4. Configure IP + bond for the VM network
5. self-hosted --deploy
At this point, oVirt complained by not finding an network interface available for the
deployment. Is the bond must be configured afterward via the Engine?