On 27-11-2013 18:18, Ted Miller wrote:
> I am trying to set up a testing network using o-virt, but the networking
> is refusing to cooperate. I am testing for possible use in two different
> production setups.
> My previous experience has been with VMWare. I have always set up a
> single bridged network on each host. All my hosts, VMs, and non-VM
> computers were peers on the LAN. They could all talk to each other, and
> things worked very well. There was a firewall/gateway that provided
> access to the Internet, and hosts, VMs, and could all communicate with the
> Internet as needed.
> o-virt seems to be compartmentalizing things beyond all reason.
That is a way to use oVirt, but the following simple setup should work and
give you a way to check against your setup.
I have two setups, one at home and one at work. The one at home is a setup
of 2 hosts and one of those is a hacked up host/engine.
engine/host1: standard fedora19 kde install, static ip (
configured with my NAS ( as dhcp/dns server and my internet
router ( as gateway
Just make sure that NetworkManager is off and that your interfaces are not
NM managed, network on.
This was a allinone setup but I got a NAS with NFS so I turned my aio setup
into a engine/host system. It has problems with that but nothing network
Host2: same as above but without the engine install, ip:, gw DNS:
How does it all come together?
Well in your case, and mine if I were to start over, start with a static
network which is NOT managed by NetworkManager. Use either Fedora or Centos
which ever you more comfortable with and it also depends on whether you
want to test/use all the features in oVirt. Currently, there are a few
features not available in Centos because the versions of
libvirt/kvm/qemu/gluster are too old in Centos.
Install ovirt-engine on your first 'server', probably choose NFS as your
storage domain, either on your engine server or from somewhere else on your
network. Make sure its nfs-v3 and not v4!, local default is v4!
Make sure that ip addresses on you network are resolvable, either through
/etc/hosts or through DNS! Engine-setup will complain if this doesn't work,
using localhost will not work either!
On the engine server there will be no bridge and nothing will change the
network config.
Next the first host.
Prepare the host in a similar way you did the engine server. You can choose
a minimal install of either Centos or Fedora or install a full desktop but
make sure that ips are static and NOT managed by NetworkManager, hostname
resolvable, ovirt repo available.
From the webui add your prepared host and if everything went OK you'll see
that on that host you will now have a bridge, ovirtmgmt, which acts as the
primary interface.
Create a VMs and choose ovirtmgmt as a network for its nics, can't choose
anything else. Either give the VMs a static address or use a dhcp server
but the VMs should be able to talk to each other, to the host(s), the
engine and to the internet.
Every host that you add after the first will also has its network turned
into a bridge, ovirtmgmt, and communication/migration/display/etc will take
place over this network. One caveat, storage domain mapping is from the
host to the storage, the engine, if it is NOT the NFS server, doesn't have
to have access to the storage.
If you have servers with more that 1 nic then you can create additional
networks using the webui of oVirt and assign these to clusters and to VMs.
If you need vlans to coexist with ovirtmgmt on the same physical nic, I
think that is possible but haven't tried it myself. In theory you need to
setup the network first outside of oVirt, including you vlan structure and
then install ovirt.
Some concepts:
oVirt engine: is just the manager, does 'nothing' related to running VMs
itself. You can turn it off and all hosts with their VMs will keep running.
You just can't start new ones, in short manage them.
oVirt host: is the real workhorse and is managed using oVirt-engine. Runs
VDSM which communicates with engine and starts/manages the VMs on the host
on behalf of engine.
oVirt node: is a special slimmed down Fedora distro that includes VDSM and
a small setup so that it can be used as a oVirt host
People tend to mix and match ovirt-host and ovirt-node which makes for nice
communication problems :-)
If you haven't done so, there is an irc channel, ovirt, on
with helpful people, if they are awake.
#irc jvandewege
When I get another project out of the way (hopefully this week), I will be
able to get back to my test setup and try again. Between your info,
something I stumbled onto on a blog, and the info from Mike, I hope to have
enough to make some progress when I take another stab at it.
Ted Miller