On 11/18/2011 11:03 AM, Cristian Falcas wrote:
Hello all,
Can someone point me to some documentation regarding vdsm (and if
needed libvirt) configuration? How it is accessed by the ovirt-engine
and how to set it to a certain ovirt-engine on the network. Currently
my libvirt is complaining that it can't work with ssh-less vdsm and I
have no idea how to set up the keys for vdsm.
Also I have no idea how to define the storage: in ovirt or in vdsm?
Who is reporting the disks/files available?
I hope I understood correctly that only the vdsm package is needed to
make the physical machine available for ovirt and only ovirt-engine is
doing all the heavy work.
Also, if the questions are too "RTFM", please let me know where I can
find any help related to ovirt.
Best regards,
Cristian Falcas
Users mailing list
http://lists.ovirt.org/mailman/listinfo/users For vdsm without ssl to work with
libvirt you need to change the libvirt
/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf needs the following settings -
listen_tcp=1 # by vdsm
listen_tls=0 # by vdsm
and /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf needs:
spice_tls=0 # by vdsm
and of course restart libvirt and vdsm.
vdsm and ovirt-engine work together by adding the vdsm host to
ovirt-engine through the webadmin or rest api.
Storage is also added in the same way.