----- 2016. júl.. 14., 10:09, Yedidyah Bar David didi(a)redhat.com írta:
On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:38 AM, Demeter Tibor
<tdemeter(a)itsmart.hu> wrote:
> Dear members!
> We have an ovirt cluster that based on el6 and 3.5.6
> It is contain three nodes, but the first node is an all-in-one installation.
> I would like to upgrade the whole system to 4.0. Also I would like to switch
> to hosted engine modell.
Sounds like a combination of:
> Now, we bought new servers for the migration.
"For the migration", meaning you intend to eventually migrate to them?
And decommission the existing ones?
:) No, it was an old plan. So we bought them because we want to switch to ultra-dense
multipurpose servers from individual servers.
Also, I assume you want el7 on all hosts eventually.
Storage remains as-is?
The storage is NFS based storgae.
How important is no downtime for the VMs?
We could makes downtime if that needed.
> What is the good way to migrate nodes, etc?
Something like:
1. Create new storage space for the hosted-engine
2. Install el7 on one of the new hosts, NH1
3. deploy hosted-engine on NH1
Have I add the old IP to this engine? Because it same with the node.
Also, I would like to switch to VLANs with the migration, if possible. I don't know
when I need to make this, after or under the migration process..
Follow [1]:
- backup existing engine and stop/disable engine there
- restore backup on the engine vm (after you install engine,
but do not engine-setup)
- engine-setup
- When 'hosted-engine --deploy' will try to add the host to
the engine, it might fail, because it will add it to Default
cluster, which has el6 hosts. Check [2] about this - create
new cluster and add there.
- All of the above in 3.5.
How can I install 3.5 and not 4.0 from repositories?
4. Perhaps add the other new hosts, perhaps as hosted-engine
hosts - if you want HA for the engine vm
5. Migrate all VMs to the new cluster.
6. Delete old hosts
7. Upgrade to 3.6 - check [2]
8. Upgrade to 4.0 - should be normal procedure [3]
I recommend testing this on test systems prior to prod.
You can use nested kvm for this.
Thank you