Recently I had a situation where single node oVirt setup was without network connection to
shared storage.
After shared storage got reconnected, everything got up as it was supposed to, but I
can't get information from guest agents shown in ovirt Dashboard.
I tried restarting ovirt-engine and then 2 vm-s started sending info from guest-agent, but
rest of them not. Guest agent is running on those vm-s. I also tried restarting those
Hosted engine is up and healty, and ovirt-engine service is running and it looks ok also.
I have this error in vdsm.log
2022-08-25 10:41:39,913+0200 INFO (periodic/1) [vdsm.api] FINISH repoStats
return={'dff59a93-4dca-40cd-9c44-c0a74ebaa656': {'code': 0,
'lastCheck': '2.2', 'delay': '0.000840686',
'valid': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'actual':
True}, '30c0c9e4-b634-4a05-b921-7a30b69f6dd2': {'code': 0,
'lastCheck': '3.9', 'delay': '0.000830941',
'valid': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'actual':
True}, '6cb12d96-3a0a-4902-acb0-deb907ef945c': {'code': 0,
'lastCheck': '5.5', 'delay': '0.000857244',
'valid': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'actual':
True}, '559569b9-c33e-4fb0-be6a-51a178a228a9': {'code': 0,
'lastCheck': '5.3', 'delay': '0.000463871',
'valid': True, 'version': 5, 'acquired': True, 'actual':
True}} from=internal, task_id=8c638713-f010-4692-ba0b-1ac94052fe7c (api:54)
2022-08-25 10:41:40,778+0200 ERROR (qgapoller/2) [virt.periodic.Operation] <bound
method QemuGuestAgentPoller._poller of <vdsm.virt.qemuguestagent.QemuGuestAgentPoller
object at 0x7f9efc08e6d8>> operation failed (periodic:204)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/virt/periodic.py", line 202, in
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/virt/qemuguestagent.py", line 493,
in _poller
vm_id, self._qga_call_get_vcpus(vm_obj))
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/vdsm/virt/qemuguestagent.py", line 814,
in _qga_call_get_vcpus
if 'online' in vcpus:
TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
2022-08-25 10:41:41,551+0200 INFO (jsonrpc/2) [api.virt] START getStats() from=::1,50396,
vmId=a6e745c4-2e4e-4672-8625-08b787832020 (api:48)