On 12/9/2014 3:59 AM, zhangjian2011 wrote:
I want to move a windows VM(managed by VMware Player in Windows7 host)
to oVirt, can and how can i do it?
This is the procedure I've used several times from ESXi, should be the
same with any vmdk.
Shutdown guest on ESXi (or use GhettoVCB to make a snapshot backup if you don’t want an
NFS copy guest from ESXi server to temp storage somewhere
qemu-img convert guest.vmdk -O raw guest.raw
Create an oVirt guest with the appropriate OS type
Add a disk of the same GB to the guest
After oVirt finishes creating the disk, copy the guest.raw file over the disk image oVirt
boot guest and install qemu-agent, ovirt-agent, spice-agent (or better yet, do this before
you shutdown on ESXi)
remove VMware tools.