While trying to backup stopped VM (with POST on
/ovirt-engine/api/vms/b79b34c0-d8db-43e5-916e-5528ff7bcfbe/backups) I got the response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<detail>[Cannot backup VM. The Virtual Machine should be in Up
<reason>Operation Failed</reason>
I found here:
that it should be possible to back up a virtual machine that is not running.
"If the VM is not running, the system will create a paused, stripped-down version of
the VM, with only backup disks attached, and use libvirt API to start and stop the
But it doesn't seem to work.
Łukasz Kołaciński
Junior Java Developer
e-mail: l.kolacinski@storware.eu<mailto:l.kolacinski@storware.eu>
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01-192 Warszawa
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