I got the ovf from the turnkey linux site. It's a Drupal appliance
-----Original Message-----
From: Itamar Heim [mailto:iheim@redhat.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 4:56 PM
To: Maurice James; 'users'
Subject: Re: [Users] engine-image-uploader
On 02/09/2014 11:05 PM, Maurice James wrote:
What does the following error mean?
There should only be one Name element in the OVF XML's Content section.
I ran the following command
engine-image-uploader -e SaturnExport -N Drupal2 upload
Users mailing list
where did the OVF come from?
please note OVF isn't really compatible between different vendors. i.e., you
need an "ovirt ovf" file/format.
exporting a similar vm/disk configuration will give you a hint at the
expected ovf format (well, format is the same, more like fields) for ovirt