On Tue, 8 Jan 2013 06:29:49 +0000
Karli Sjöberg <Karli.Sjoberg(a)slu.se> wrote:
tis 2013-01-08 klockan 01:18 -0500 skrev Yair Zaslavsky:
Keith summed things quite right as far as I know (I did not know
about the range allocated to Qumranet) From code perspective - We
have a MacPoolManager infrastructure which holds a pool of Mac
addresses, and per deletion of VM, the mac address is returned to the
pool. Which means that if you set up two oVirt systems independantly;
one for production and one for testing, you will get collisions?
^^^ No, VLANs please!
If you need equal IP/ethernet setup while using 2 ovirt-engines, check
VRF (OpenBSD can do it).