I had a working engine, using 3.3.0 on Fedora 19. I rebooted my engine,
and JBoss AS won't come back up. I get the attached errors from server.log.
Has anyone seen this before? Any suggestions on how to recover?
How I got here:
I had a working Engine (mach1 F19) and Host (mach2 F19), but needed to
play some musical chairs with my hardware to utilize a 3rd machine
(mach3 RH6). My goal is to have mach2 become Engine, and mach3 Host.
I did the following:
1. Created an NFS share on mach3, and used it as NFS Export Storage from
2. Exported my VMs and templates to the Export storage.
3. Removed mach2 from my Datacenter
4. Shut down mach1
5. Installed fresh F19 on mach2 (my old host), and installed Engine
3.3.0 on it
6. Added mach3 as Host
7. Imported my VMs and Templates from the Export Storage
At this point all looked well. I rebooted mach2, but it won't come back up.
I'd appreciate any insight.