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Hi ALL=0A=0AAfter upgrade to libvirt- I'v got an unstable work=
of engine. Engine began to lost connection with VM's. VMs worked correc=
tly, but their status in engine were "not responding", migration didn't=
work also. After downgrade to libvirt-0.9.11-1 engine began to work cor=
rectly. Hosts are fedora16 with 3.3.4-1 kernel, qemu-kvm-0.15.1-4. I tes=
ted libvirt- on different builds of vdsm/engine=0A=0AIn engine=
.log there are many such errors despite of libvirt version=0A=0A2012-05-=
06 03:53:29,212 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Encrypti=
onUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-67) Failed to decryptData must not be l=
onger than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:53:33,242 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.c=
ore.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-95) Fail=
ed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:53:3=
3,242 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (=
QuartzScheduler_Worker-73) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than=
128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:53:53,437 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engine=
encryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-18) Failed to decr=
yptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:53:53,437 ERRO=
R [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzSche=
duler_Worker-44) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=
=0A2012-05-06 03:53:57,489 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptuti=
ls.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-71) Failed to decryptData mu=
st not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:53:57,489 ERROR [org.ovi=
rt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Work=
er-38) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05=
-06 03:54:01,519 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Encrypt=
ionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-37) Failed to decryptData must not be=
longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:01,519 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine=
.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-46) Fa=
iled to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54=
:09,606 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils]=
(QuartzScheduler_Worker-65) Failed to decryptData must start with zero=
=0A2012-05-06 03:54:09,606 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptuti=
ls.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-76) Failed to decryptData mu=
st start with zero=0A2012-05-06 03:54:11,619 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.cor=
e.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-80) Failed=
to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:11,=
619 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (Qu=
artzScheduler_Worker-70) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 1=
28 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:13,632 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineen=
cryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-69) Failed to decryp=
tData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:13,632 ERROR=
[org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzSched=
uler_Worker-87) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=
=0A2012-05-06 03:54:17,687 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptuti=
ls.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-73) Failed to decryptData mu=
st not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:17,687 ERROR [org.ovi=
rt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Work=
er-95) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05=
-06 03:54:19,698 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Encrypt=
ionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-11) Failed to decryptData must not be=
longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:19,698 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine=
.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-66) Fa=
iled to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54=
:21,713 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils]=
(QuartzScheduler_Worker-86) Failed to decryptData must not be longer th=
an 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:21,713 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engi=
neencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-92) Failed to de=
cryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes=0A2012-05-06 03:54:31,810 ER=
ROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencry=0A=0A--
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Hi ALL<br><br>After upgrade to libvirt- I'v got an unstable wo=
rk of engine. Engine began to lost connection with VM's. VMs worked corr=
ectly, but their status in engine were "not responding", migration didn'=
t work also. After downgrade to libvirt-0.9.11-1 engine began to work co=
rrectly. Hosts are fedora16 with 3.3.4-1 kernel, qemu-kvm-0.15.1-4. I te=
sted libvirt- on different builds of vdsm/engine<br><br>In eng=
ine.log there are many such errors despite of libvirt version<br><br>201=
2-05-06 03:53:29,212 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Enc=
ryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-67) Failed to decryptData must not=
be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:53:33,242 ERROR [org.ovirt.en=
gine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-95=
) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06=
03:53:33,242 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Encryption=
Utils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-73) Failed to decryptData must not be lon=
ger than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:53:53,437 ERROR [
re.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-18) Faile=
d to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:53:5=
3,437 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (=
QuartzScheduler_Worker-44) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than=
128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:53:57,489 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engin=
eencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-71) Failed to dec=
ryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:53:57,489 ER=
ROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzSc=
heduler_Worker-38) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 byt=
es<br>2012-05-06 03:54:01,519 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencrypt=
utils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-37) Failed to decryptData=
must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:01,519 ERROR [org=
.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_=
Worker-46) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>20=
12-05-06 03:54:09,606 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.En=
cryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-65) Failed to decryptData must st=
art with zero<br>2012-05-06 03:54:09,606 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.en=
gineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-76) Failed to=
decryptData must start with zero<br>2012-05-06 03:54:11,619 ERROR [org.=
ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_W=
orker-80) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>201=
2-05-06 03:54:11,619 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Enc=
ryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-70) Failed to decryptData must not=
be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:13,632 ERROR [org.ovirt.en=
gine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-69=
) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06=
03:54:13,632 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.Encryption=
Utils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-87) Failed to decryptData must not be lon=
ger than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:17,687 ERROR [
re.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-73) Faile=
d to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:1=
7,687 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (=
QuartzScheduler_Worker-95) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than=
128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:19,698 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engin=
eencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-11) Failed to dec=
ryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:19,698 ER=
ROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzSc=
heduler_Worker-66) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 byt=
es<br>2012-05-06 03:54:21,713 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencrypt=
utils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_Worker-86) Failed to decryptData=
must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>2012-05-06 03:54:21,713 ERROR [org=
.ovirt.engine.core.engineencryptutils.EncryptionUtils] (QuartzScheduler_=
Worker-92) Failed to decryptData must not be longer than 128 bytes<br>20=
12-05-06 03:54:31,810 ERROR [org.ovirt.engine.core.engineencry<br><br>&n=