Yaniv Kaul <ykaul(a)redhat.com> writes:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 3:40 AM, Konstantin Shalygin
<k0ste(a)k0ste.ru> wrote:
ovirt-shell will be deprecated and not supported or some functions on
ovirt-shell (or all package ovirt-engine-cli)?
We use ovirt-shell on client desktops who connected to SPICE consoles and
work (users provided by LDAP on ovirt-engine), like via RDP. For this I
wrote very fast-hack patch for ovirt-shell and GUI for enter password (
https://github.com/k0ste/ovirt-pygtk). Very simple, but via Internet
people use SPICE without negative about packet loss and disconnects,
instead RDP.
Can you further explain the use case? I assume the user portal is not good
enough for some reason?
Use case:
Auto-start VMs when my single-host ovirt system boots up. I have a
script that I run out of rc.local on the ovirt-engine that uses
ovirt-shell to:
1) Wait for the engine to be active
2) Wait for the host to mount the storage domains
3) Starts up all my VMs, in order
This is the first I've heard that ovirt-shell is being deprectated.
It would be a major shame is there is no command-line replacement.
BTW, the ovirt-shell is something we deprecated. It is
working on top
the v3 api, which we plan to remove in 4.2.
So better not use it.
You can start maintain. For example I maintain packes for Arch Linux:
ovirt-engine-cli (
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ovirt-engine-cli) and
ovirt-engine-sdk-python (
Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
Computer and Internet Security Consultant