07.11.2018 12:27, Mike Lykov пишет:
4. Gluster volumes are in strange state:
When i try to create volume (storage->volumes->new), press "add
bricks" - there is a similar drop-down box "Bricks Host" contains only
"ovirtnode" names, not "ovirtstor" ib interfaces..
If I try to use it - It cannot finished with error like "This host not
in trusted pool", its true - in trusted tool there is other interface.
What the right way to configure this?
I create network "storage", uncheck "required" and check
"migrate" and
"gluster" role.
Then i attach this network in "setup host networks" to hosts, interface
ib0 (but it state is out-of-sync because different MTU in DC config and
real host, see previous post)
But in engine.log I see this message:
2018-11-08 17:19:23,406+04 WARN
(DefaultQuartzScheduler7) [70a2eb8a] Could not associate brick
'ovirtstor1.miac:/gluster_bricks/engine/engine' of volume
'77d6bcb1-244d-4319-b3f0-e4eb73a9206c' with correct network as no
gluster network found in cluster 'ea3c5a62-de76-11e8-9238-00163e062063'
Why "no gluster network found in cluster" ?
It is because it out-of-sync?
Network is UP in webui ...