Le 14/05/2014 15:36, Giorgio Bersano a écrit :
> Following the URL above and the BZ opened by the user
> (
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1072900), I see this has been
> corrected in 3.4.1. What gives a perfectly connected NFS export domain, but
> empty?
sorry for jumping late on an old thread, I'm the one reporting that bug.
I have two things to say:
- taking advantage of a rare opportunity to turn off my production
cluster I put it back in that critical situation and I can confirm
that with oVirt 3.4.1 the problem has been solved.
> PS : I see no 3.4.1 update on CentOS repo.
- me too, until I installed ovirt-release34.rpm (see
http://www.ovirt.org/OVirt_3.4.1_release_notes ). All went smooth
after that.
Best Regards,
Thank you Giorgio for taking the time to reply on this.
In the end, I understand I have to upgrade, and I will.
To the whole team :
Looking at the rpm installed on my two oVirt setups, I see that the
installed packages are :
ovirt-release-el6-8-1.noarch (on CentOS 6.4)
ovirt-release-el6-10.0.1-3.noarch (on CentOS 6.5)
The OS are CentOS
A "yum search" is showing me that ovirt-release.noarch is available.
How do these packages differ?
Can I install the ovirt-release.noarch instead of the packages above?
Are they aliases?
Nicolas Ecarnot