Thank you for the reply.
Since rpm of ovirt-engine/ovirt-node of nightly repository is updated, a trial-and-error
method is newly built and applied to environment.
As my work target, it is registering web-admin portal to ovirt-node of ovirt-engine.
It is because it is necessary to start but to carry out environmental construction by
installation from an ISO file in my ovirt-node environment as a reason using fedora 16.
Therefore, it is in the state where he is troubled by operation of vdsm-reg used at the
time of the registration from web-admin portal.
I would like to apply a trial-and-error method in the environment using the newest rpm.
A result is reported to an ovirt-user mailing list.
Usui Takayuki
On 01/23/2012 10:33 AM, Haim Ateya wrote:
> On Mon 23 Jan 2012 11:26:36 AM IST, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 05:21:43PM +0900, Usui Takayuki wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have been trying to registered the ovirt-node and consistently keep
running into install failures during compilation of the vdsm-reg( and component.
>>> I have an FC16 environment set up per information on the ovier-node rpm
install wiki pages.
>>> Below is the last output I see from the vdsInstaller :
>> <snip>
>>> <BSTRAP component='VDS PACKAGES' status='FAIL'
result='qemu-kvm' message='Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks, presto,
refresh-packagekit Determining fastest mirrors
[Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn~t resolve host" Trying other mirror. [Errno 14] curl#6 -
"Couldn~t resolve host" Trying other mirror.
[Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn~t resolve host" Trying other mirror.
[Errno 14] curl#6 - "Couldn~t resolve host" Trying other mirror. Error: Cannot
retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: fedora. Please verify its path
and try again '/>
>>> <BSTRAP component='RHEV_INSTALL' status='FAIL'/>
>>> . Error occured. (Stage: Running first installation script on Host)
>>> Is there any evasion measure of making fedora16 into ovirt-node and building
it except initial setting by vdsm-reg( and
>> For some reason your host cannot find qemu-kvm. Could you try manually running
>> yum install vdsm
>> which should take in qemu-kvm, too.
>> You can configure ovirt engine and vdsm to work without ssl, and ask engine not
>> to try to install a host when adding it to the datacenter (I just do not recall
>> how.. Haim, could you help?)
> run the following on your engine-server:
> psql -U postgres engine -c "update vdc_options set option_value='false'
> where option_name='UseSecureConnectionWithServers' and
> version='general' ; "
> psql -U postgres engine -c "update vdc_options set option_value='false'
> where option_name='SSLEnabled' and version='general' ; "
> psql -U postgres engine -c "update vdc_options set option_value='false'
> where option_name='installVds' and version='general' ; "
"InstallVds", starting with capital I ;-)
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Name :Usui Takayuki
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