I'm using a custom apache implementation, so `service httpd restart` fails on my
And so:
engine-setup --config-append=${answers_file}
fails with:
[ INFO ] Restarting httpd
[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed to start service
I could try to do OVESETUP_APACHE/httpdService="myapacheservice", but if fails
for not very good technical reasons (my fault this one).
OVESETUP_APACHE/httpdService=bool:False or OVESETUP_APACHE/enable=bool:False both fail
I try to find a way to prevent that in answer files, like :
OVESETUP_APACHE/needRestart=bool:False. But this does nothing, I think it's rewritten
Is there a way to prevent apache management or restart in ovirt installer ?