i upgraded my engine and nodes to 4.5 a few days ago and now planning to upgrade the
cluster level compatibility from 4.6 to 4.7. First i tried doing this from the cluster
settings, but it fails because hosted-engine settings are locked. So i tried it by hand
but again got the locked error, i found i cant change any values on the hosted engine.
Changing compatiblity level on all other VMs worked fine and there are on 4.7 now.
I read about the timezone issue in 4.4.8, so i checked the timezone of my hosted engine it
is filled with "Standard: (GMTZ) Greenwhich Standard Time". To be sure, i just
did a "/usr/share/ovirt-engine/dbscripts/engine-psql.sh -c "update vm_static SET
time_zone='Etc/GMT' where vm_name='HostedEngine';"" and it
changed the timezone, but settings are still locked and i am unable to change the
compatibility level.
Any idea how to solve this?